Monday, October 8, 2012

kereactive #4 - PVC Repairing Cloth Stand Hanger

My cloth stand hanger, is made by famous indonesian plastic company, somehow have very bad qualities on his plastic, we put it under daylight and raindrops caused the material quickly degradate. 

The "hanger" / steel rod it is from coated steel material, i'm pretty sure this will be long lasting, in here i will replace the "plastic" part with PVC pipe part

What do you need actually only PVC 1/2"  and two T Connector, the steel pipe diameter is around 1/4"

Remove plastic part, this plastic part is already wrecked

Drill both side, replace the part with  with PVC

This PVC is more much robust than his original plastic part, and then this saving your money to buy a new cloth stand hanger :) 

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